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6 Awesome Health Benefits of Archery

health benefits of archeryAre you looking for the health benefits of archery? It may not seem like you will get much out of it, but there are many different benefits you can get by taking up this sport. Depending on the type of bow you get, it can take a significant amount of strength to draw the bow and take your shot. And that doesn’t even take into account the amount of concentration required to line up a shot and not miss. This will not only give you physical benefits with your strength, but mental ones as you develop your skill. Keep on reading to find out exactly the improvements that you can see with practice.

Strength – In order to draw the higher weight bows, you actually need quite a bit of strength. Even some of the lower powered ones require strength to draw too. If you are using a compound bow, recruve bow, or longbow… then there is also the time where you are holding the draw back which forces the muscles to tense like normal weight training, and this leads to muscle development. Drawing a bow will help develop your chest, hands, arms, and upper back muscles.

Coordination – In order to pull off the perfect shot, may things need to be perfect. This can be everything from your feet placement, the angle that you stand, the direction your bow is pointing, your grip of the bow, and hand-eye coordination. All of these things come into play when lining up a shot – particularly longer ones.

Fitness – Typically when you are practicing shooting you are doing it for an extended period of time. As we discussed in strength, you are working your muscles when setting up your shot. Studies have been done showing that you are also burning around 140 calories an hour when shooting. On top of this you will be doing a fair amount of walking when retrieving your arrows, so you can be sure you will get some exercise in when you are firing your arrows.

Focus – Archery isn’t as dynamic a sport as some others. It requires putting yourself into a pre-determined position and maintaining complete focus while you create your shot. As you get better with archery your ability to completely focus should greatly increase as you get better shooting. You can apply this new found focus to other situations in life that require your concentration.

Social – Archery is a very social sport. When you go to the range you will find many other archers, all of various skill levels. Not only can you make many friends, you will be able to talk with and learn from others who have more experience than you. If you start getting into competitions then you can also begin taking part of team events with others to further your progress.

Competition – As much as archery is an individual sport that allows you to be highly competitive with yourself, there are also many options to compete against others. Taking part of and doing well in this competitions is a great benefit for many people and can help boost your confidence as you see yourself doing better and better the more you practice.

These are just a few of the health benefits of archery you can find when you get started. There are many more but we will leave you to discover those as your practice develops. Hopefully you take this as motivation to give the awesome sport of archery a try!

PSE Ready to Shoot Stinger X Review

PSE Ready to Shoot Stinger X

Get ready to impress everyone at the range when you show up with your new bow. The PSE Ready to Shoot Stinger X looks like it means business and doesn’t fail to deliver on that promise. It’s an incredible compound bow that’s easily customizable for the average archer and will leave your competitors in the dust. Whether you’re still fairly new to archery or a seasoned pro, you’ll love the confidence and power that you feel when shooting this bow. It’s perfect for target practice as well as going out hunting. With an FPS of 316-308, this bow is strong enough to accomplish any task you put it to. Get ready to have fun like never before when shooting this bow!

The PSE Ready to Shoot Stinger X boasts a customizable draw length of 21 to 30 inches. You can also change the draw weight to 50, 60, or 70 pounds, thus increasing the max FPS. Axle to axle the bow clocks in at 32.5 inches and has a brace height of 7 1/8 inches. You’ll love the included Whisker Biscuit rest and Gemini sight as they’ll improve your shooting and make you move confident as you practice. Be prepared to shoot your best. This light bow delivers a smooth, fast shot that will stun you with its speed and accuracy.

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The pros of buying and shooting the PSE Ready to Shoot Stinger X are numerous. From the easily customizable  settings that allow you to truly make the bow your own to the quick and easy sighting, you’ll love the speed at which you can have this bow set up to your specifications. That ability makes this bow a wonderful one for the truly picky archer. Gone are the days when you couldn’t make your bow exactly what you want it to be. With the PSE Ready to Shoot Stinger X you may never need to buy another bow.

With such an advanced bow that has so many pieces you can change and adjust you’d think that there would be a long list of cons associated with buying and using it. With the PSE  Ready to Shoot Stingeer X though that’s just not the case. Any cons would be that it can be difficult for the beginning archer to use. It can be overwhelming to decide how to set up your bow when there are so many options and the last thing a new archer wants to or needs to do is spend time getting frustrated fiddling with settings. Once the bow is appropriately set up, however, any archer of any skill level and strength can shoot right away!

Online reviews of this bow are shockingly overwhelmingly positive. You’ll be hard pressed to find many if any complaints about how this bow works once it’s set up. The archers who have it and use it love how easy it is to operate and get set to their specifications. It’s rare to see so many people loving a product and not having many complaints about it!

We recommend this bow for the more seasoned archer or for the beginner who has a strong support of archers to help them set it up appropriately. As always, make sure to be in contact with the company to double check any warranty that you get on the bow. Sometimes accidents during manufacturing happen and there are defective bows of every brand out there. You just don’t want to get stuck with one. From the reviews and specifications of the PSE Ready to Shoot Stinger X, however, you seem to be getting a high quality bow that will last for years to come. Where you are looking for a good hunting bow or something for target archery, this will fit the bill either way!

>> See the price here on Amazon <<

SAS Rage Review

SAS Rage

No matter your skill level with a bow it’s important to invest in a high quality one. Not only will this improve your skill but also your confidence. Practicing with a low quality bow will only frustrate you and make it harder to be consistent with your shooting. The SAS Rage Compound Bow is a wonderfully made bow that will help you develop skill, confidence, and promote innate talent in any archer. This high quality bow is very durable – perfect for not only shooting at the range but also for a great hunting bow. The max FPS of 270 is plenty fast to accomplish most shooting feats you wish to undertake.

The SAS Rage Compound Bow is 35″ from axle to axle. The archer using the bow can adjust the draw length four inches from 26″ to 30″. It’s also possible to adjust the draw weight by 15 pounds from 55 to 70. Because of these ranges it’s possible to easily customize this bow based on your strength, age, and ability. This bow can grow with you as you get bigger and as you get stronger – an important factor in being able to increase the draw weight of the bow. The bow weighs a light 4.4 pounds – perfect for someone not as strong or for hauling in and out of the woods on a hunting trip.

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The pros of this SAS Rage bow are many, including the ease at which the archer can adjust the draw weight and length. 70 pounds of draw weight is a lot and it’s nice that this bow can be used by even a stronger and more professional archer. There’s no reason that you’d have to buy multiple bows as this one can adjust so easily.

There are some cons to this SAS Rage bow. One issue is that there is no quiver that comes with it, making that accessory an added expense that a lot of archers may no be prepared to pay for. The strings that come on the bow may not be ready to shoot immediately and may require waxing. Although this is an easy issue to correct it can be really frustrating when you open the box and want to immediately shoot the bow and instead have to take the time to make sure that it is ready to shoot. The included accessories aren’t mounted on the bow, so if you have concerns about how to attach them you may have to consult a pro to get everything done correctly.

All in all, this bow has received mostly positive press online from customers. There are a few reports of the screws being a little loose in the bow when it was received. Although this is easy to take care of and a problem that can happen with all bows, it’s still a source of frustration. Other archers have stated that after a small time investment spent fine tuning the bow they were able to quickly and easily shoot with great accuracy.

Finding a bow that you can immediately shoot straight out of the box without any adjustments is going to be very rare. The time spent ensuring that the box is in the best firing condition before you shoot it is something that everyone should understand will be part of the deal when buying a new bow. As far as the problems some people have with accessories not being attached – either ask a pro for help, some friends, or look online for information. This bow seems to be a wonderful one for archers of most level. It has the potential of growing with the archer for years to come and seems to be a wonderful investment in your hobby.

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Samick Sage Takedown Review

Samick Sage Takedown

Get ready to purchase the perfect beginner’s bow. Every budding archer has to start somewhere when they decide that they are interested in archery. This bow is a wonderful place for most to start! With a left/right orientation (meaning you can hold the bow with either your left or your right hand!) it’s not specific to a left or right handed person. It’s also a very attractive bow – with maple limbs and black fiberglass that is sure to appeal to any archer. It’s always nice to look good while shooting at the range, and with this Samick Sage Takedown recuve bow you’ll feel your confidence increase each time you use it.

This Samick Sage Takedown bow is 62 inches long, perfect for an archer of almost any height. It allows up to a 29 inch draw. The bow does come strung and with an arrow rest, but that’s all of the accessories that you will get with this bow without separately purchasing more. There is a place where you can easily add a sight if you desire one once you’ve shot the bow a few times. The pre-drilled holes in the Samick Sage Takedown mean that it would be easy for the average archer to add accessories. If you experience trouble any archery shop would be able to help.

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This is a simple bow that’s perfect for beginner’s, and so the pros include that it doesn’t have tons of fancy gadgets attached to it that will distract from the main goal – learning to shoot a bow and arrow. It’s easy to take it apart without tools and can quickly be put back together again. As mentioned before, the bow is incredibly attractive, with a graceful curve to it that appeals to many archers. The limbs are secure and don’t come loose when shooting, thereby eliminating the need to make adjustments to your bow while on the range.

As wonderful as the Samick Sage Takedown bow is though, there are some cons to purchasing this bow. Sometimes there are faulty bows that are manufactured, and the Samick Sage Takedown bow is unfortunately not immune to this. When that happens the limbs don’t line up correctly and are unable to be reattached and sometimes they snap even though they are supposed to be solid construction that will hold together for years to come. When cracks appear in your limbs and risers then the bow is no longer safe to use and you’ll have to figure out how to either get it fixed or replaced.

All in all the online reviews of this bow are overwhelmingly positive. Of course, there are always some users who aren’t happy due to either a defective bow or their own inability in using it. It’s important to listen to and read these concerns but be willing to make up your own mind when it comes to any purchase – including a bow.

The Samick Sage Takedown bow seems like a great starter bow. It’s gorgeous and easy to use without bells and whistles but you can easily add those as you grow and become more advanced with your archery. If you do decide to purchases this bow we recommend talking to the company about their warranty and immediately opening the box and inspecting it after the bow has arrived. It seems like most of the issues people have with this bow are discovered soon after purchasing it. Don’t let it sit in a box for months and then decide you’re unhappy with it – figure that out within the time period of the warranty. Otherwise this bow seems like a great purchase!

>> You can find the price on Amazon here <<

Diamond Archery Infinite Edge Review

Diamond Archery Infinite Edge Pro

All archers know that the kind of bow they use is important to how they will be able to shoot. A good quality bow will help the beginner gain confidence whether on the range or out hunting, and a bow that’s easier to use will keep the archer coming back and practicing more. By purchasing a quality bow you can guarantee more fun shooting it and less time fiddling with getting the settings right and getting the bow to shoot straight. This Diamond Archery Infinite Edge bow is a great quality bow that will help you gain confidence will shooting. Don’t buy into a bow that won’t grow with you, make a good choice and you will be using it for years to come!

This bow has an easily adjustable draw length for archers who are able to shoot with a longer draw. When you purchase it you will receive the bow, a sight, arrow rest, tube peep sight, a quiver, comfort wrist sling, BCY string loop, and a 5″ stabilizer. Along with some arrows you will be shooting your new bow soon after you get it. The bow also has a setting for infinite draw. With the adjustable draw weight you should be able to easily customize your shooting experience.

>> Check out more reviews of this bow on Amazon here <<

Some pros of the Diamond Archery Infinite Edge bow include the adjustable draw weight and length. With a draw weight from 5 to 70 pounds and a draw length up to 31 inches, you can easily set this bow for a beginner or someone bigger and stronger who has been shooting for a long time. The FPS can get up to 310+, plenty to be able to bring down an animal if this bow is used for hunting. Another pro is that the bow is ready to shoot out of the box. There’s no putting it together or struggling with making sure pieces are in the right place. Simply pull it out and have fun shooting.

There are a few cons to the Diamond Archery Infinite Edge bow. The factory strings on the bow don’t seem to be of the highest quality and will eventually have to be replaced. For the avid shooter this can cause a big of a frustration, although the casual archer may not notice or have a problem for a while. Another con with this bow is that some of the cams may not be as sturdy as they should be. Again, this can be repaired by a professional, but is not something you want to deal with when handling your new bow.

Most of the online reviews of this bow are glowing. It seems to be a wonderful choice for a beginner bow and has the ability to grow with the archer for years to come. With higher quality strings and some good arrows most people achieve a good level of success when shooting with this bow. The quality of this bow appears to be very high, and the quiver and other accessories are decent as well. Of course, always check with a retailer regarding warranty information if you have concerns.

This bow really does seem like a wise choice if you are interested in shooting a compound bow. The fact that you can shoot it right out of the box is a huge plus for those of us who don’t yet have the full understanding of different parts of a compound bow. The adjustable draw weight and length mean that you won’t have to replace it for a while. You can make sure that it grows with you as you get bigger and stronger, and that’s a huge positive in its favor.

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Bear Archery Cruzer Review

Bear Archery Cruzer

Whether you’re new to archery or have been practicing the sport for a long time, you know the importance of a quality compound bow. Shooting a sub-par is not only frustrating but can also be very dangerous to you and to the spectators around you. Making sure that your equipment is safe and up to date is easy to do. A quality bow can improve your shooting and make you more confident on the range. If you hunt or simply shoot on the range at paper targets, you’re sure to want a quality bow that you will enjoy shooting.

The Bear Archery Cruzer bow is an easy bow to begin shooting with. You can open up the package and immediately start practicing without having to purchase any additional pieces. This right handed bow has a maximum FPS of 310, depending on the draw weight and length. How you adjust these will affect the FPS that you are able to achieve. It’s a nicely balanced bow that will be the perfect fit for a beginning or someone who is just looking to shoot with something a little different than they already have at home.

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Some of the pros of this Bear Archery Cruzer bow include how easily you can adjust the bow to your own specifications. It’s perfect for a wide ranger of archers. With the ability to easily change the draw weight from a low 5 pounds up to a higher 70 pounds you can easily personalize this to your shooting. Another easy adjustment for the user is the draw length. At the short end it you can make the draw length only 12 inches, or adjust it all the way up to 30. It’s great that this makes this Bear Archery Cruzer bow not only good for a variety of people, but able to grow with an archer as they get stronger and age. The biggest draw of this bow is the extreme ability to adjust it.

A few cons of this bow include that the finish seems to chip easily and the quiver does not seem to be of the highest quality materials available. Add these cons to the fact that the wrist sling doesn’t stay tight and in place with consistent adjustment, and you may find that this bow is more high maintenance than you had originally thought. Another concern is the quality of the LED light on the bow. If you’re hunting at night you might need to look into how to improve this to improve how sneaky you can be.

Most of the online customer opinions of the Bear Archery Cruzer bow are highly positive. It’s not the top of the line for a lot of people, but it is a good starter bow and a nice one to have in your collection. It doesn’t matter if you want to use it as a hunting bow or not, it’s perfect for shooting on the range and can have the speed required to make a successful hunt, but only if the draw weight and length are high enough to achieve a high FPS. Otherwise it’s good for target practice.

For the average user or beginning archer we do recommend this Bear Archery Cruzer bow. It comes from a long line of quality bows. Just make sure that you’re using it in a safe manner and have really considered the cons that are present. If pieces are coming loose and require consistent adjusting it can be difficult to fire off multiple arrows in a row. Some users might find this very frustrating and feel like it might make it worth while to look into buying another bow.

>> See the price on Amazon here <<

Taking Archery To Another Level – Trick Shots

Do you think you know everything about archery? Most people think they have it down pretty well. They can take aim and hit accurate shots from pretty far away. Most of the time, none of them are moving though. When we found Lars Anderson we were pretty blown away. He has taken up his skill to another level by taking some pretty wild trick shots. He shoots faster than most people will ever and does so without a quiver. Check out this video showing some of his shots and how he does it.

Lars is taking some of the traditional knowledge with what we know about historical archery and turning it around. With some of the recent pictures and images that are being discovered depicting ancient archery, we are starting to see that archers back then tended to move when shooting more than we previously though. Lars tries to recreate this with a traditional longbow and is having great results. His name is quickly getting out there and he is becoming one of the most well known archers out there. There will be plenty more to follow. It may be worth getting in on this now while you can and level up your skills even more!

Omp Mountain Man Sierra Review

Mountain Man Sierra

Are you in the market for a new longbow? If so, you should know that the Omp Mountain Man Sierra Longbow offers plenty of pure performance and comfort for a great price. Today, we’d like to share some important information about the features of this model, as well as its pros and cons. Once you’ve learned more about it, you’ll be able to make a wise and informed decision about whether or not it’s right for you.

Product Specifications for This Model

First off, you should know that this longbow is made from hard maple and walnut woods. It comes with a customized finish which is very traditional and beautiful. When you choose this model, you’ll receive a design with transparent limbs which are crafted from Fiberglass. These clear limbs come with tips which are reinforced. Also, each longbow includes a string made from durable Dacron. In addition, the Omp Mountain Man Sierra Longbow is compatible with Fast Flight string. This design measures sixty-eight inches and has a recommended brace height of 6.5.5 inches.

Pros of This Product

This longbow has a rustic appearance which is traditional and very pleasing to the eye. Its gentle curve and fine woods make it a beautiful work of art. As well, it performs wonderfully, since it is crafted with care in order to offer great shooting speed and range. Also, this design is quite comfortable to hold. This longbow comes from a manufacturer with a strong and positive reputation and it’s definitely a smart pick for discerning buyers. Its price range is medium, so it’s affordable for many customers.

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Cons of This Longbow

If you want a budget longbow, the Mountain Man Sierra may be too expensive for you. It’s mid-range in price, but does provide great value for the money due to its excellent materials, construction and features. However, there are cheaper longbows out there in the marketplace.

In terms of other cons, there aren’t many. This longbow is powerful enough to be a great choice for any array of hunting types, from hunting deer to hunting elk to hunting turkeys and beyond. If you want power, you’ll find it, even if you have to pay a little more. You’ll find that this longbow offers superior return on investment.

Customer Opinions

This is a five-star longbow. It gets excellent reviews all over the Web, from experts and hunters alike. It’s also great for target practice. Since it’s so beloved by customers and hunting experts, it’s really a great choice. It’s a crowd-pleasing longbow which is loaded with appealing features. Most people who buy it remark on its power. It’s a bow which provides a lot of speed and distance and it offers performance which is super-smooth.

As you can see, this bow definitely has a lot to offer. It’s an investment in performance and comfort, as well as lightning-fast speed! As well, it is versatile enough to work for a bunch of hunting styles. If you want a beautiful longbow that you’ll be proud to own, which really performs out of doors, this may just be the design that you’ve been waiting for. Choosing the Omp Mountain Man Sierra Longbow is the key to perfecting your technique and bagging more prey. As well, it’s a good choice for target practice.

Find this design at larger online retailers. Make sure that your preferred retailer offers an authentic design. While you’re there, be sure to read customer reviews. You’ll find that they are really glowing. This great longbow also makes a perfect gift for any hunting fan in your life. So, why not order it today?

>> See the price on Amazon by clicking here <<

SAS Maverick Review

SAS Maverick

The SAS Maverick hunting bow is a hallmark of traditional bowhunting. From its beautiful and rustic appearance, to its elegant and prim design, it is a worthy addition to any hunting bow collection. Traditional archers are encouraged to purchase this model, as it adheres to conventional standards of hunting bow craftsmanship and design. This hunting bow ranges between 40 and 5 pounds and makes the perfect hunting companion. Considering the price and the value, this hunting bow in unbeatable in quality and savings as well. If you are a novice or moderately skilled bow hunter, then this product is perfect.

Product Specifications

This product comes in several weights, most of which are the same price.

This product is reinforced with fiberglass, and clad in beautiful, maple, laminated material. Furthermore, the riser contains a lovely fusion of zebra, kulgam and makore wood as well. This 60-inch bow is specifically designed for right handed bow hunters. While powerful, this bow comprises a narrow and elegant shape. In terms of aesthetic beauty, performance and comfort, this product delivers results without fail.

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There are many advantages to using this hunting bow. Firstly, it is great for entry level or minimally trained bow hunters. Thus, you have the capacity to improve by practicing on this bow.

Another benefit of this hunting bow is that its beauty is simply undeniable. Upon first glance, the rich color, curvature, and construction are just visually harmonious. The muted color allows it to blend in seamlessly in natural environments, making it perfect for stealthy hunting. Not to mention, this product comes in several weights which means you can tailor your bow to you individual strength and experience. With its slender shape and comfortable feel, this product is made to nudge itself perfectly into the human grip.


In spite of its positive reviews, this product has its share of cons. While some longbows reduce shock and vibration, one customer takes note of the vibration this product produces. Of course, the majority of the reviews were exceedingly positive, so this may be unique to this customer’s experience.

What Customers Have to Say

This product has several verified customer reviews. And of all the positive reviews posted, 100% of them provided 5-star ratings. So, what did customers have to say about this product? Firstly, this bow is speedy, precise and very powerful. It delivers shots with absolute strength and accuracy as well. According to some reviewers, this is the best, traditional bow that you can find under $200.

The majority of all customers agree that this bow is beautiful in design and craftsmanship. Some even remarked that its beauty is more pronounced in person. Overall, they praise the looks, performance, and functionality of this bow.

According to many customers, this bow provides a comfortable grip and an easy shooting experience as well. Novices expressed that this was an exceptional choice for a first time bow user.

The lightweight construction and easy handling is yet another feature these customers loved to praise. The levity of this bow permitted seamless and fluid movements, facilitating the shooting process entirely.


Based on the countless five-star longbow reviews and ongoing praise, this product is highly recommended. Every customer review seemed to align with the desktop and specifications provided by the company. Based on the description and reviews, this product has everything you look for in a hunting bow-speed, traditional construction, beauty, precision and easy handling. If you want a lightweight, traditional, beautiful, accurate and easy to handle hunting bow, then you should buy this product.

>> Click here to see the price on Amazon <<

PSE Sequoia Review

PSE Sequoia

The PSE® Sequoia is no ordinary longbow. It is engineered for its superb and distinctive quality, allowing it to stand out amongst the rest. This longbow, hailed for its beauty and speed, is composed of eclectic wooden materials, giving it an exotic mystique. This product is the hallmark of traditional archery, as it is reinforced with historically rich features, perfect for all of you old-fashion archers out there. If you relished in the tales of Robin Hood, and you hearken for the olden days, then this bow is for you. With this longbow, you can partake in a long historical legacy, as longbows have been used for thousands of years throughout the globe. Longbow warfare has surfaced in many cultures, from Nubian to Native American cultures, and more. Now, you can own a longbow with a historical twist, adding a rustic taste and richness to your archery experience.


This longbow is characterized by a 68” length, a brace height that ranges between 6.5”-7”. Finally, the weight set is at a 28” draw length.


Unlike modern compound bows, this longbow offers many pragmatic benefits. Firstly, the design is much lighter and faster than that of modern day counterparts. This longbow braces you for swift shots, and it shoots both stealthily and quietly as well. Another benefit of using this bow is the reflex-deflex design, which is the preferred model for traditional archers. The standards of this longbow bow are simply incomparable and this set an exceptional example of excellence and precision. From its high velocity and stability, this longbow cannot be rivaled by inferior models.

Another benefit of this longbow model is that its limbs are reinforced for sturdiness, as they are layered with both bamboo and clear fiberglass. Not to mention, this longbow is equipped with a brilliant variety of woods, from black walnut to cherry, to maple wood. This design is also constructed to diminish shooting stress, as the laminated tips assist with this issue. You can even choose from a variety of draw weights, including 40# 45#, 50#, and 55#.

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While this bow has very few cons, it does have shooting limitations in terms of distance. One customer inquired whether this bow could shoot an estimated 60 yards. Another customer strongly advised against this. However, another customer responded as well, noting that stronger archers may have the physical capability to shoot an arrow this distance. Hence, the shooting distance depends on a number of factors, including your physical strength.

What Customers Have to Say

Customers have given this product stellar reviews. According to these reviews, the construction of this bow is absolutely phenomenal. The build is both sleek and robust, providing a comfortable, but empowering shooting experience. Furthermore, the feel is described as both natural and outstanding as well. Thus, this bow delivers the perfect blend of virility and power. The arrows project forward with great accuracy and speed, according to most customers.

Another customer remarked that this is the best bow he has ever owned in his life, thus the five-star rating. He commends this product for its beautiful construction, craftsmanship, and more. Considering the robust construction of this design, customers are pleased to say that it is lightweight and easy to handle. Furthermore, it directs arrows speedily onto a clear and narrow path making archery and hunting easier than ever.


In essence, this bow is highly recommended. With its 5-star rating and positive customer reviews, this longbow does not disappoint. It delivers performance with consistency and it lives up to its name and purported strengths. The craftsmanship, and traditional design bring the historical aspects of archery into the modern day world.

>> Click here to see the price on Amazon <<

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